Monday, December 8, 2008


Outside my window....Very windy, hopefully no more wildfires

I am much I need to do before christmas

I am thankful sweet family

From the kitchen...
Mon:Chicken Enchilada casserole
Tue: Chicken philly cheesesteaks
Wed: Leftovers or sandwiches
Thu: Roast
Fri: Skillet turkey meatloaf
Sat: Christmas Party with lifegroup
Sun: Spagetti

I am reading...Just finished Mistaken Identity. Very good, very interesting.

I am hoping...for work to pick up this week

I am creating...Just picked up my christmas cards. Love the way they turned out

Around the house...Still working on organizing kitchen cabinets

One of my favorite things...giggles from my girls

A few plans for the rest of the week...
Mon: Grocery store and OKC Thunder game
Tue: crafts with kiddos
Wed: Work and micro-mission at "all things baby" with lifegroup
Thu: I never have anything on Thursdays!
Fri: Work
Sat: Christmas party at the Moore's
Sun: Nothing yet

Here is one of our christmas card pic my sister Katie took of us. I'm very pleased with the way they turned out!

Please join others at The Simple Woman's Daybook


Anonymous said...

OK - I want a larger picture of you guys (than the Christmas card one) ;)

I also need to update my picture of the girls.

I always enjoy hearing your "things".

Nicole Knox said...

You guys look so good!

D.A. said...

Okay I'll be available on Thursday for roast.Ha! We loved the pictures. I guess I need to call you for an appointment. The Thunder got close maybe next time. Love your blog.

erin said...

Isn't Mistaken Identity crazy? That story amazes me!